Expert 3D printing 
in Hungary

About me

Erwin van Reijn

3D Printing Technician and Owner of 3DFix

I am a skilled 3D Printing Technician in Szentes, Hungary, specializing in providing quality 3D printing services at 3DFix.

My skill set includes expertise in operating 3D printers, troubleshooting technical issues, and delivering precise and timely prints to meet clients' needs.


Certifications & 

Qualified 3D Technician/Designer
University of illinois (USA)
Fulfilled the education 2024

Qualified Multi-Technician
Several Institutes, Univerities and Companies 

Due to job changes, and migration, i got the opportunity to study new technologies or even complete directions like:

- Micro- and Nano electronics 
   (Royal Dutch Navy NL 1986)
- Light-, Colour-, and Laser
   technology (Ricoh Japan 1992)
- ICT and MCSE (C.S.S. NL 1994)
- Imaging, Picture analyses, and Camera
   technology with expertise in 
   explosive zones (Siqura NL 2010)
- Cardiovascular Imaging 
   (Circle CVI Canada 2012)
- Horticultural Robotics 
   (Hortigreentech Hungary 2019)
- Fiber optic technology including
   troubleshooting and Certifying
   networks (Dirksen university NL 2022)

I am proud of the recognition received for my unmatched quality in general of technology aswell in 3D printing services.


Direct Contact Me

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Other ways to contact me:

Erwin@3DFix.eu +36 20 395 7095 
 (Talk in English, or German!)

Kiss Zsigmond utca 20
6600, Szentes